How to prepare for a power cut (and why you should ALWAYS be ready!)

With Atlantic Canadian weather becoming more extreme, the risk of a power cut is increased and being prepared year-round is becoming more of a necessity. Flash flooding, hurricane season, wildfires or acute snowfall can trigger power failure, but a bit of preparation can help your home or business be ready.

We've broken these tasks into pre and during power outages. Take care of the pre-blackout tasks as soon as possible. But also check your supplies regularly; Don't be caught out by expired food or non-responsive electrical goods when you need them!

Pre-power cut tasks

  • Keep flashlights (at least one per person) and batteries in an easily accessible and dry place. Store your flashlights well away from ground level to avoid damage if flooding occurs.
  • Get a battery-operated radio (again, store extra batteries!) to help you stay abreast of local developments in a power outage. You may have internet access via your phone, but depending on the power cut trigger, you can't rely on this.
  • Store paper plates, utensils, and plenty of canned or dried food. You should also have bottled water (in case of water contamination) and a manual can opener.
  • Stock up on blankets. While a power cut could happen during the summer, it is just as likely during the winter, so ensure plentiful blankets to keep everyone warm.
  • Have towels ready to lay in front of fridges, freezers and any other appliances that may leak when without power for extended periods.

During power cuts

  • Keep an eye on candles and open flames used for cooking
  • Keep freezers and refrigerators closed as much as possible
  • Listen on the radio and/or check online for updates on safety and power expectations
  • Turn off and unplug all appliances and lights except one so you know when the power comes back on without overloading the circuits

Power cut preparedness for businesses

If you are a business owner, the same steps are good practice for your business premises too. In an emergency, such as flash flooding, wildfires, or extreme storms, employees could be forced to stay on business premises, so prepare to keep people as comfortable as possible.

What to do after a power cut

When your home or business has been affected by a weather-related power cut, check your building inside and out for signs of damage. And get us out to ensure there are no underlying issues in the structure or pipes.

Whatever the cause of the power cut, ServiceMaster of Moncton can return your building to safety, repair any damage and restore your belongings using industry-leading techniques. We are available 24/7/365 for emergency support whenever you need it. Need us now? Click here to let us know!

ServiceMaster Restore Moncton – Restoring Peace of Mind® since 1972.